From stress and anxiety to weight loss, hypnotherapy offers a wide range of treatments and each treatment can be adjusted to the requirements of the individual, for more information about the different treatments we provide, get in touch with Christine Ashley, a registered member of the general hypnotherapy register, today at 023 9269 2232.

About Christine Ashley

We cover a variety of different therapies on specific phobias, anxiety’s or mental issues, some of the most popular therapies that we provide are:

  • Anxiety – anxiety has become quite a common problem in modern society and learning to overcome or deal with it can be a long and stressful experience, my therapy sessions look to lessen that stress and eventually give my clients complete peace of mind.

  • Depression – Depression is more common than you may realise and is increasing in all age groups, particularly in the younger teenage group. Statistically, women are twice as likely to become depressed as men and depression is more common amongst those who have grown up with a parent who is depressed.

  • Gastric Band Therapy – The virtual gastric band therapy is sweeping the country. People are realising you can have all the benefits of a Gastric Band without ANY of the drawbacks or side effects, and it is a fraction of the cost. Chris Ashley, Hypnotherapist is a qualified practitioner, weight loss can be achieved.
  • Hypnobirthing – So hypnobirthing is the intended use of hypnosis to allow you to tap into your inner resources, which we all have in our subconscious minds, to create feelings of well-being.
  • Phobias – Fears and Phobias usually appear as a result of something that has happened in your life, sometimes you may be aware when it started, but more often than not, people do not remember – they may have been a small child at the time. Sometimes it can also be a case of learned behavior, maybe another family member had the fear and you copied this reaction.
  • Smoking Therapy – I can help you stop smoking at my home in Portsmouth.Smoking cessation therapy takes only one session and works because the power of your subconscious mind is used to change your thinking processes, making it easy to stop. 

  • Weight Loss Therapy – Hypnosis can help by allowing you to overcome any subconscious obstacles which prevent you from losing weight and from keeping weight off after a successful healthy eating plan. We all know that eating more than the body requires for fuel is not going to keep you slim, and that exercise and sensible eating plans are important for a trim and healthy body.However, these are not conscious, logical issues. Successful weight loss is as much about re-educating your subconscious mind as it is about dieting.

A single session of smoking therapy will cost are £90, usually only one session is required for our smoking therapy but if a follow up session is requested since some clients find it beneficial to have a follow up session, then it will cost £45 and any additional sessions after that will be £60. The cost for more specific phobia or anxiety treatments will vary but the cost of smoking therapy is a good price point to estimate it around.

Contact Me!

If you have any questions about our services or wish to book an appointment then please feel free to call me on: 

023 9269 2232 or 07903 279 185

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